IDEA for External Audit
Unlock the power of data-driven engagements with Caseware IDEA
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Add analytics to your engagement workflow
With more transactions happening online, you now have more data to comb through, more anomalies to identify and a wide range of trends and patterns to analyze. This means you need to make a shift toward incorporating analytics into assurance engagements to deliver high-quality audits with improved efficiency.
Caseware IDEA, our leading global audit analytics software, seamlessly integrates with Caseware Working Papers and Caseware Cloud to offer a one-stop, easy-to-use, data-driven approach for external auditors, accountants and data analysts.
Import data from multiple sources quickly and easily
Caseware Cloud Import makes it possible to import financial data from more than 90 accounting packages with no effort. Also import data into Caseware IDEA from multiple ERPs and databases using formats like Excel, Adobe PDF and others.
Accelerate your risk-based auditing with intelligent analytics
Caseware IDEA includes SmartAnalyzer, which features pre-built workflows and more than 100 analytical tests. Leverage a suite of financial audit tests to quickly identify out-of-balance journal entries, transactions, duplicate invoices and large inventory amounts.
Leverage pre-built tests to analyze all your data
Caseware IDEA includes popular tests like Benford’s Law, Fuzzy Duplicate, Gap Detections and more. Dig deeper into your client’s data with the advanced analytics offered in the IDEA Lab to maximize audit efficiency.
Utilize powerful visualization capabilities for impactful reporting
Use Discover and Visualize functionality to quickly comb through data with customized dashboards and visualization functions. IDEA seamlessly integrates with applications like PowerBI, Tableau and Excel for easier data analysis and decision-making.
Enhance audit quality
Save time and money
Manage compliance needs
Unlock hybrid capabilities
Explore new service offerings
Record every step
Supporting components
Get the most out of your Caseware IDEA experience
Use these modules to run more tests on your data and improve your audit quality.
arrow_forwardIDEA Lab provides a wide range of tasks and industry-specific functionality, including outlier detection, data profiling, unstructured data analysis, audit tests and utilities.
arrow_forwardSmartAnalyzer is a collection of queries and tasks that can be used to improve audit quality and consistency. It offers an extensive set of routines for the analysis of the general ledger, accounts receivable, inventory, fixed assets and accounts payable transactions.
arrow_forwardPassport is Caseware IDEA’s all-in-one user portal, which hosts software downloads, tutorials, videos, SmartAnalyzer apps, sample scripts, custom functions, tech tips, industry-related content and much more.
Access additional analytics
Our plug-ins expand the capabilities of your Caseware IDEA deployment.
Exceptional Exceptions
arrow_forwardUses audit intelligence and machine learning techniques to generate risk-based samples and provide an overview of risk areas to identify notable journal entries and focus audit efforts on items posing the highest risk of fraud or error.
arrow_forwardOffers a collection of 100+ smart audit tests for faster, detailed analysis of the general ledger and important subledgers to easily detect anomalies, exceptions or outliers.
Journal Entry
arrow_forwardOffers 20+ audit tests focusing on journal entries, plus integrated workflows between procedures and IDEA for Analytics, to help users carry out audit tests directly and save the evidence back into their engagement.
MUS Random Sample
arrow_forwardProvides an alternative sampling method for the IDEA Monetary Sampling routine. MUS Random Sample allows for a purely random sample based on the monetary unit and not the transaction.
arrow_forwardLooks for unusual items (outliers) within a database by analyzing the different categories and amount combinations.
Trial Balance — Transaction Reconciliation
arrow_forwardThe plug-in creates a reconciliation database that joins the trial balance database with the transaction database and also creates a different database that highlights any reconciliation differences.
Boost your IDEA capabilities
Use these tools to complement your core IDEA features.
Cloud import utility
arrow_forwardIntegrate IDEA accounting software directly with more than 90 accounting software packages. Fetch information, such as trial balance, seamlessly and in a consistent format.
Support & FAQs
Yes, even without using Working Papers templates, auditors and accountants can leverage IDEA’s SmartAnalyzer apps to automate and analyze financial data such as general ledgers, sub-ledgers, purchase card transactions and more.