New Age Talent Management for Accounting Firms

Aug 21 2023

Hiring and retaining talent is one of the top practice management challenges facing today’s accounting firms. According to Caseware’s 2023 State of Accounting Firms Trends Report, talent management is the fastest rising challenge year-over-year. When asked for their top practice management challenges, 35 percent of survey respondents chose “Finding the right talent” – an increase of 14 percent over 2022. Find out why the accounting industry is facing a talent crunch and what you can do to lessen its effects.

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State of Internal Audit: Top Trends & Insights for 2023

Aug 21 2023

These are exciting times in the world of internal audit, with no shortage of new challenges and unprecedented opportunities for growth. But to thrive in today’s ever-changing environment, you must have a solid understanding of what lies ahead. Watch our 2023 State of Internal Audit Webinar to get revealing survey insights and learn more about the industry’s most pressing issues.

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Don’t Get Squeezed by the Talent Crunch: Strategies for Internal Audit

Aug 21 2023

A global shortage of talent is driving leaders and managers to find creative ways to attract new auditors. The challenge is real: recent Caseware research found 95 percent of surveyed internal auditors see the task of hiring the right talent as either “challenging” or “extremely challenging.” Register for this webinar to discover strategies you can employ to combat the auditing talent shortage.

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State of Accounting Firms: Key Trends & Opportunities for 2023

Aug 21 2023

To thrive in today’s ever transforming business environment, accountants must understand what challenges lie ahead. Watch this recording to gain an in-depth understanding of key trends such as:

  • Talent management challenges and how firms are handling them
  • The adoption of cloud, automation, business intelligence and other technologies
  • The new world of work and the ongoing shift to virtual collaboration
  • And much more!

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Cloud Technology Adoption – From Challenge to Success

Aug 21 2023

Most accounting practices have by now adopted some cloud technologies and processes. And many of your clients are likely fluent with the cloud and remote collaboration. This webinar uses a case study approach to help you understand the importance of reengineering business processes and upskilling employees, how to avoid pitfalls and misconceptions, and what emerging technologies will impact the accounting industry.

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