Audit & Assurance

Deliver streamlined audit, review and compilation services that enhance collaboration and keep clients happy
Accounting firms face increasing pressure to provide more value to clients within the audit process while decreasing costs. Talent management also remains a top challenge as firms find it increasingly difficult to find and retain qualified talent.
Caseware’s audit and assurance solution provides a streamlined approach and technology stack for delivering high-quality audit, review and compilation services. These trusted solutions — based on CPA Canada’s Professional Engagement Guide’s practice aids — continuously enhance client and staff collaboration and improve workflow management while providing you with a big-picture view of your practice.
Explore all Audit & Assurance products
Caseware Cloud
arrow_forwardNext-gen, powerful, cloud-based platform with engagement and practice management capabilities for all practices
arrow_forwardAll-in-one cloud-based app for risk-based audits in Canada with embedded PEG methodology, built-in analytics, integrated financial statements and much more.
arrow_forwardCollaborative, cloud-based engagement app designed for review, compilation and a wide range of non-attest engagements in Canada.
arrow_forwardCloud-based quality management app for modern accounting practices to ensure audit and assurance services are delivered with confidence.
arrow_forwardCloud-based app for client collaboration that enables engagement teams to communicate securely and manage requests in a central location.
arrow_forwardCloud-based app for accounting practice intelligence that effortlessly transforms Caseware engagement data into actionable insights through powerful visualizations.
Working Papers
arrow_forwardLeading platform globally for managing audit, accounting and tax working papers.
arrow_forwardComprehensive audit analytics platform that seamlessly integrates with Working Papers and Caseware Cloud, offering greater insights for your engagements.
arrow_forwardCloud-based app for centralized workload tracking and management across all Caseware engagements.